SS Richard Montgomery Matter

Information a links regarding the dangers of the wreck liberty ship SS Richard Montgomery

Note: SS Richard Montgomery was a Liberty ship. Not, USS Richard Montgomery. The title USS is only used on an American navy ship.

Wreck location

The Liberty ship SS Richard Montgomery wreck. Follow links from this page to more on and off site information about the dangers wreck presents.

20th August 2024  For 80 Years you have been resting peacefully on the seabed, but for how much longer?......

The Liberty ship SS Richard Montgomery is a time-bomb waiting for a terrorist to give Britain its first real tsunami and worse. This shows what could happen when a government conceals something very dangerous from its own people.

Fact: The US explosives carrier SS Richard Montgomery sank in the Thames Estuary in August 1944. It was loaded with 1500 tons of explosive munitions. The Admiralty decided to leave the wreck and its dangerous cargo undisturbed. The wreck lies just a few hundred yards offshore between an oil refinery and Gas storage facility near the Kingsnorth power station and the Sheppey coast. Southend on Sea is just a couple of miles away on the other side of the Thames estuary. Rumours about the ship and its cargo have circulated in these towns ever since. Denials have been issued by ministers in the House of Commons in response to MPs questions about the presence on board of biological, chemical and Mustard Gas warheads. Freedom of  information act requests have not been fully answered or complied with. Nevertheless, rumours persist that the real reason the wreck was not made safe was because of the existence of dirty weapons on board.

A new serious risk interesting problem has arisen, as the National Grid LNG storage on the nearby isle of Grain, has the largest one million cu metre storage capacity of Liquid Natural Gas in Europe with the largest surface silos in the world, each bigger than the Albert Hall, that would be instantly demolished by the Montgomery blast and vaporize the gas to mix with four times its weight of oxygen in the air and produce an explosive blast equivalent of 160 Hiroshima bombs, without the radiation. Destroying everything for many miles around in the UK and Europe. with the resulting loss of many millions of lives, According to Explosives expert  Mike Barker  M.B.E. (Bomb disposal). 

The ship is huge not just 3 masts sticking out of the water which is misleadingly all people see. To remove the estimated 10,353 bombs still on board after the first clearance in 1944, 175 skips would be required, each carrying 20 tonnes of bombs!

The wreck looks small from a distance but in fact is HUGE. If  guy in picture was a terrorist Sheppey would have been devastated and maybe a lot of Kent and the French coast! (click to see picture)

Design EC2-S-C1 Liberty ship Stowage and Capacity Booklet.pdf (4.1Mb)  Layout and drawings of a liberty ship. See how big it is!

If a little old lady finds one small hand grenade size WWII bomb in her back garden the police evacuate most of the street!  Yet the government ignore this national disaster waiting to happen in the hope it will go away (It will with a big bang) instead of killing 1000’s of people destroying Sheppey at the very least!  They will not even tell people a safe distance to be for when it happens which will be totally without warning at any time of day or night! Security services keeping the dangers out of the main stream press in case it gives a terrorist the idea of blowing it up which In the light of current events of Britain I am (not condoning or suggesting) but am surprised it has not already happened, as from my website logs can see that the site has been viewed from many countries for years that have a grievance against the UK due to their illegal wars in their countries.

How the government in power when it happens through this or collision from an off course ship or just of its own accord thinks will put a spin on the matter at the international enquiry which will follow without the leaders or at least the member of the DFT being put in prison or maybe worse by the relatives of the 1000s people killed wanting justice for their dead families. How many of the unchecked illegal immigrants pouring into our country everyday which the government it appears is doing nothing to halt are trained terrorists just waiting for orders to be carried out?

This is what will really happen when the wreck explodes, not the toned-down will never happen version the government puts out and other MSM.

Insurance companies won't pay out for property damage as a known risk. ( this is one of the reasons(kept quiet) the steelworks closed down a few years ago as they could not afford the insurance premiums to upgrade equipment and leasing companies would not supply the new equipment without it)

Edited recent High Court judgement of reasons Insurance company did not have to pay for bomb damage. And probably why Bomb disposal does not want to touch or move WWII bombs around the wreck!

"Insurer Allianz has won a High Court fight over its refusal to pay out on an insurance claim by the University of Exeter for damage caused by the disposal of a Second World War bomb. The judge ruled in the firm's favour, saying "The dropping of the bomb is an act of war and so the loss suffered is excluded from cover."The high-explosive bomb had been dropped by German forces in 1942 The university submitted an insurance claim under its policy with Allianz in relation to damage to halls of residence and "business interruption" linked to the temporary rehousing of students. Allianz declined the claim, saying that the loss suffered by the university fell within the scope of a "war exclusion" clause. In his ruling, Judge Nigel Bird said the insurer could have a court declaration that it was entitled to decline the university's insurance claim. The judge said that a central question in the case was whether the bomb damage was "occasioned by war". Lawyers for insurance giant Allianz argued that the dropping of the bomb was a cause of the university's loss, with this being an "act of war" . Judge Bird said in his ruling: "The common sense analysis is this: the loss was caused by an explosion. "The explosion was triggered by the reasonable, and indeed obviously correct, decision to detonate the bomb. "That decision was necessitated by the presence of the bomb. "If there had been no bomb, there would have been no explosion. "The bomb provided both the explosive payload and the absolute need for the detonation. "In my view, the dropping of the bomb was the obvious proximate cause of the Damage. The judge noted that there was "no suggestion at all that the explosive load of the bomb had become any less lethal over time", He concluded: "The dropping of the bomb is an act of war and so the loss suffered is excluded from cover."

The island will be devastated by the "Seaquake" ground shock Of the wreck exploding. (Excluding the tidal wave!) This will destroy all water gas and electricity cables and make many roads impassable, all will happen without any warning day or night. people trying to leave the island by the one road will block it disregarding any police instructions in panic. Emergency services will not be able to come from the mainland and even if they could would not be able to go anywhere because of the damage and collapse of roads. the only way to evacuate will be by sea and air.


                                                                                              Sea mines - Naval mines

                              Sea mines are another problem for the SS Richard Montgomery wreck, coming up (literally) soon.

There are two types which 100s if not 1000s British WWI-WWII are still tethered on the seabed around the estuary in full working order because of their design. These are magnetic and acoustic mines. Without going into the technical details of these mines basically they are held by an anchor firmly to the seabed by a cable and electrical release mechanism on the seabed independent of the mine itself. When a ship passes over it is detected by sound or ships magnetic field and the release operates allowing the mine which like a buoy has positive buoyancy and goes straight to the surface where it floats partially submerged. Carried by the tide and currents, when it comes in contact with anything explodes.
German sea mine WWI
The good news is that the batteries which power these mechanisms on the seabed have gone dead many years ago so passing ships will not trigger them. But the bad news is that after 70-100 years since WWI-WWII the steel CABLE between the mine and its release device which was only designed to last a short time will have become frayed and rusty and in a storm or just on its own with the pull of the mine on it, as many do over the past years at random BREAK releasing the mine to the surface floating into the Montgomery wreck or other shipping without warning. This will become more and more frequent as time goes on. These mines cannot be cleared without divers or mini subs as normal sweeping techniques no longer can be used due to the dead batteries so cannot be remotely released. 
Second (first?) worst case scenario hits full gas tanker as it passes near wreck or gas terminal.  

                                                                  The normalcy bias, or normality bias

The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations.
“The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It can result in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation. which for some strange reason appears to be happening in this case, which suddenly will become too little too late.
Which brings me to, although being carried out this appears to be a case of too little too late with public not being informed of progress if any on the matter. With the clock ticking as they say, time is running out.

Short House of lords debate on SS Richard Montgomery.3 July 2019 

Seems that the government in their keep it quiet and it will go away wisdom has finally realised there is a problem and it is not going away!  18 February 2019

Link: Freedom of information requests to uk government  regarding SS Richard Montgomery. Some illegally STILL remain unanswered in the permitted time limit. Why, have the government got something to hide? (Updated  August 2024)

Background and interesting  government reports about the wreck ( updated 19th December 2022)

American Government were conned out of the money they paid to remove the wreck! (Updated 25th November 2022)

SS Richard Montgomery Original Ships logs and accident report. updated 26th November)

Crew member aboard SS Richard Montgomery personal account at the time of the wreck. (updated 28th November2022)

The Wreck DVD Buy a copy here directly from Historian Colin Harvey

Film and Television Director Ken Rowles and his production team based in Kent, near London, have made a feature documentary about the World War II American Liberty ship, the SS RICHARD MONTGOMERY. The ship sank during the Second World War in the Thames Estuary between Kent and Essex. (YouTube preview )

Two letters from Lloyd’s of London insurance to the government agreeing with Mike Barker MBE about the wreck. (pdf)

Executive summary and conclusions from “SS Richard Montgomery Risk assessment seeking a long term solution July 2001” (5Mb pdf) (Updated 02 January 2015)

I have gone through my archives and compiled this pdf file with some interesting information about the condition of the wreck as it was which some may not want known. (6th July 2019)

Inner Thames Estuary Feasibility Study part 6 only, SS Richard Montgomery information (pdf) (Updated 10 July 2014)

Maybe a small scale terrible glimpse of the future..... The Silvertown Explosion 1917  YouTube

The Silvertown Explosion 1917 London UK The full story

The Richard Montgomery matter (A film (movie) script ) For Sale (read synopses now)

N 51:28:00 E 00:47:02 View Location Chart & link to maps of area around wreck

Free detailed navigation charts of the area around the wreck and other areas close by, must for researchers.
Nightmare in Bari: The World War II Liberty Ship Poison Gas..

Reports January 2010 of fires appearing above the SS Richard Montgomery in the Thames Estuary

Rare picture of the SS Richard Montgomery passing New York Harbour

Presentation (silent) by Mike Barker MBE on Risks and removal suggestions SS Richard Montgomery wreck ( 8Mb .pdf) This presentation was prevented from being given during a public meeting, which took place at Canterbury university  Kent, by UK security services. File updated with more current information 19th august 2013.     

1972 report (22 page Pdf) for Southend-on-sea and district chamber of trade and industry of the SS Richard Montgomery.

Dera report July 1997 condition SS Richard Montgomery. Authors R Southworth and K Da Costa

Close up photographs of SS Richard Montgomery wreck 23 October 2011

From Sheppey Gazette (Kent England uk) 31 August 2011 (pdf)

Rare close up superstructure photographs of the wreck taken at extremely low tide

Photographs approaching and unloading the wreck just before she sank.

The SS Richard Montgomery story is told in this two chapter historic DVD. link to More information and ordering details.

Newscientist 21 August 2004 Mick Hammer & update 22 January 2005

kentonline Medway messenger interview with Michael Fellows and report SS Richard Montgomery (27 February 2013 )

ITV News Meridian piece about SS Richard Montgomery wreck ( 27 February 2013) (24 January 2013)

Very interesting informative and well written piece about the danger of the wreck SS Richard Montgomery (January 2013)

Daily mail news article David Leafe 30th august 2012

The Sunday Times Magazine 28 March 2004 Report by Richard Johnson

Article in Sheppey Gazette (Kent England uk) weds 7 April 2004

Factual information clip from BBC TV uk program coast-8 (4mins- 5Mb .wmv) royal navy explosives expert

mark williams big bangs sky3 (SS Richard Montgomery clip 3mins- 6.5Mb .wmv)

underwater_explosion.wmv (a very small taste of what will happen when SS Richard Montgomery explodes!)

British textbook of Explosives .pdf (Technical reference book not Instruction manual)

Picture of SS Richard Montgomery aerial view

picture of SS Richard Montgomery with the Red Sands Fort Complex in the background

Field Marshal General Montgomery Comments on the wreck (clip 18 seconds 3.55Mb .wmv)

General Douglas Macarthur Comments on the wreck (clip 13 seconds 2.2Mb .wmv)

General George S Patton JR Comments on the wreck ( clip 26 seconds 4Mb .wmv)

webcam: watch it all happen (or not) live! updated every 5mins during daylight. Tick ZOOM box bottom right picture wreck close up!

This is the reason why the wreck is even more dangerous than people think and reason for delays in removal of the Masts,.July 2024
The main danger of explosion of the wreck is from one of the many fused live, AN-M1A1 CLUSTER FRAGMENTATION BOMBS aboard. being dislodged and hitting another larger unfused bomb, which is the condition bombs are normally transported in. The cluster bombs are fitted with a safety device which prevents accidental detonation so would normally be safe. The problem is on these particular ones aboard can still explode even if in a safe position. Later ones( but not the many in the wreck) were modified to prevent this from happening. There was a terrible accident one was dropped while being unloaded from an aircraft and exploded pieces found showed at the inquiry that all safety devices were still in a safe position after the explosion. Any movement of the wreck from collision or it collapsing on itself cause this to happen hence the removal of the masts to reduce weight so as to delay this happening although not long term. For details of munitions still aboard and links showing the details of the accident and cutaway pictures of the cluster bombs showing its mechanism and other very interesting information go to:

Facts and history about the Isle of Sheppey

Article from the New Wide World Magazine for October 1964 SS Richard Montgomery wreck (lots of background info & very good Pictures)

Great And Lost Ships Of The World

Researching the mariners and ships of the merchant marine and the world's navies


                      Starting the big liners from cold PDF files.

Starting RMS Queen Mary, Moored at long beach California. converted-compressed pdf file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Starting RMS-Aquitania-1913-Rev-1 file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Starting-Empress-of-Britain-1931-compressed file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Starting RMS-Mauretania-1907-Rev-1a file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Starting-RMS-Titanic-Rev-21 file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Starting-SS-Normandie-1935-Rev-1-file by Author, Stephen Carey marine engineer.

Stephen Carey marine engineer R.I P.


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